My Quiet Companion – Americana with a Scandinavian edge

Debut album out now!

”The Swedish trio based in Gothenburg bring together three guitars, mandolin and three part harmony to deliver a mix of Americana and pop with a distinct Scandinavian flavour, heightened by the mix of Swedish and English language songs. The lyrical material is reflective and often narrative, touching on the highlights of stories that feel very personal, from the delicate nature of relationships to the similarly delicate nature of human life.

Whilst the songs are a superb vehicle for the diverse lyrical material, the instrumental track ’Drömmen’ shows off another facet of the trio’s musical ability. The melodies are driving and the piece highlights the quality of both the performances and the recording and production.

The complexity of the interwoven layers of guitars and mandolin has offered a little more with each listen as different fragments of melody break through every time. I would like to hear more from this trio and this album whets the appetite as much as it is sated.”

FATEA magazine, UK



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